Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow Preview & Prediction
When is Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow taking place? Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow will take place on Saturday 26th February, 2022 at 16:00 (UK)
Where is Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow taking place? Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow will take place at Otkrytiye Arena in Moscow
Where can I get tickets for Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow? Ticket information for Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow can be found on each club’s official website
What TV channel is Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow on in the UK? Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow will not be televised live in the UK
Where can I stream Spartak Moscow vs CSKA Moscow? Russian Premier League matches are occasionally streamed on Bet365 while some matches are also streamed live on the official Russian Premier League Youtube channel
A Moscow derby between two sides that are underperforming, relative to club size and expectations. Spartak Moscow begin the second-half of the season sitting firmly in the middle-of-the-table after just one league win in their last eight matches. They have since switched managers, though, from Rui Vitoria to Paolo Vanoli. They now come up against a CSKA Moscow side that, under the management of Aleksei Berezutski in his first senior management role, sit inside the top four and the European spots. The two sides have both averaged more than a goal per game so far this season and both teams scoring, therefore, looks a good bet for this one.